
Bookable from 2023: Roof suite
News · 08. Dezember 2022
We were diligent. From the beginning of 2023 it will also be possible to spend the night in the roof suite.

Business as usual
News · 17. Februar 2022
Switzerland lifted almost all of its Covid-19 pandemic restrictions on February 17, as fears subside that a spike in infections fuelled by the Omicron variant would overwhelm the healthcare system.

Certificate requirement
News · 13. September 2021
Here you will find the latest information on the COVID certificate and how this is handled in Hochwang.

Open again from May 31th
News · 27. Mai 2021
The restaurants in Switzerland are allowed to welcome guests again from May 31th, under strict hygiene requirements and with distance rules.

Our restaurant terraces are open!
News · 19. April 2021
Restaurant terraces are open again since April 19th. So we are allowed to welcome guests again, under strict hygiene requirements and with distance rules.

Limited activity
News · 22. Dezember 2020
Our restaurant is closed until 22 january 2021 for external guests due to the COVID-19 health risk and emergency. Hotel guests are served. Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us by phone!

News · 20. Oktober 2020
The Hochwang Specials are ready to book!

News · 01. Mai 2020
The restaurants in Switzerland are allowed to welcome guests again from May 11th, under strict hygiene requirements and with distance rules.

News · 16. März 2020
Our restaurant is temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 health risk and emergency. Hotel guests are served. Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us by phone!

News · 16. Dezember 2019
New website is online!

Geschlossen .:. Closed .:. Gesloten
03. - 07.04.2025 & 
21.04. - 21.05.2025



Gasthaus Hochwang

Suzanne & John Frencken

Hinterbergstrasse 32

7232 Furna



Tel. +41 81 332 12 72


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© 2025 Gasthaus Hochwang Furna mit ❤️ realisiert von